Embroidered Krandi – AW23-1A


Brand: Sobia Nazir
Fabric: Karandi
Collection: Autumn Winter 23

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Buy Sobia Nazir Embroidered Krandi AW23-1A Dress In USA Now!

Meet the Fabulous Sobia Nazir AW23-1A Shalwar Kameez – Your Essential Festive Wear

Be ready to be noticed when you wear the Sobia Nazir AW23-1A Shalwar Kameez, designed and handcrafted by master artisans for Pakistani women living in America. Crafted to perfection, this exquisite ensemble will perfectly display both craftsmanship and elegance.

The elegant kameez features intricate Krandi embroidery on its center panel, side panels, and sleeves for an extravagant and extravagant feel. Additionally, delicate tassels and thread lace bring charm and sophistication to every detail of its design. ac

A printed woolen shawl with beautiful purple hues blends style and warmth for those more fantastic Autumn and Winter days, while plain-dyed Krandi trousers coordinate seamlessly with kameez and dupatta to complete an eye-catching, sophisticated outfit.

Built from premium-quality Krandi fabric, this Shalwar Kameez from Sobia Nazir promises supreme comfort and breathability for any festive event. Created to make an impressionful statement about you!

This outfit is an indispensable addition to your wardrobe and a bold expression of your unique heritage and personal style. Stand out from the crowd while celebrating your cultural roots gracefully and charismatically.

Take advantage of owning an extraordinary piece as remarkable as you. Elevate your festive wear collection and create lasting memories with the Sobia Nazir AW23-1A Shalwar Kameez!